Jon-Paul (JP) Harris
A little bit about me...
My name is Jon-Paul (JP) Harris. I have been in Real Estate for 4 years, as well as a Public Servant for 20 plus years. Currently I serve as Shift Captain for the Lampasas Fire Department. I have lived in Lampasas my entire life and have chosen to raise my family here. With my wife, Jennifer, of 20 years and our two children we enjoy time as a family in the great outdoors. We currently reside in Lampasas County on our small ranch where we raise Boer Goats. We started the goat ranch in order to provide an affordable option to the kids who want to participate in FFA and 4-H.
We love our community and I would love to help you and your family become a part of it as well. Whatever your Real Estate needs please feel free to contact me any time at 512-734-0117 or [email protected]. I guarantee to answer your call or call you back in a timely manner.